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Give Good Energy & The Law of Attraction by Cristina Bornstein

The Laws of Attraction tells us that energy, is attracted to like energy so if you are a loving person you will receive love back. With this in mind, it is important that you take responsibility for your thoughts and emotions and use them for good. Sounds a bit superhero-ish but it's true. The more positive energy you give the more you will get. So, send someone a positive intention, affirmation, visualization, a color or any positive thought. Do this not only for friends and family but for strangers, too. If you're passing someone and you get the sense they could use a positive energy boost, send them one. I do it all the time, it feels good. If you're not sure how or what to send someone, just think of love and send that. Generating love helps you and them on every level.



The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence by HeartMath Institute


The Spiritual Heart -- is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person's heart contributes to a 'collective field environment.' This short video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself.



Mindfulness and the Sacred Present by Diana Brenes Seiler

“There is a sacredness to everything you perceive when you are present.” Eckhart Tolle

Mindfulness has been growing in popularity, making it's way into public schools, higher education, hospitals and many other institutions. This trend points to an identified need in our society, acknowledging the powerful affect that mindfulness practices have as a tool for the individual and communities as a whole. So, what exactly is mindfulness and why has it become so popular? 

According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., mindfulness is the art of facing difficulties in a way that leads to effective solutions along with inner peace and harmony. In other words, mindfulness is the practice of embodied awareness, with attention to one’s immediate surroundings while maintaining emotional balance. It’s popularity points to the fact that in the experience of being mindful, a person’s senses become fully engaged, their perspective softens and opens to seemingly endless possibilities, and a deep felt peace permeates their experience of ‘being’ in that endless moment. It is the act of feeling and being instead of thinking and doing. The quality is receptive, open, aware and spontaneous. Mindfulness is the experience of being at peace, without held judgment—one of humanity’s chief goals. 

Health Benefits of Gratitude, from UCLA Health by Cristina Bornstein

Being grateful is a daily practice, as is positive self-talk! It is healing in so many ways! It was Mazaru Emoto's famous water study that showed us that words and intention change the molecular structure of molecules. In his study Mazaru Emoto placed two bottles of water on a school table and had the children say "thanks" to one and "useless" to another. The one receiving thanks showed strong and well-shaped molecules, the other was weak and deformed. Our bodies are made of 60-70% water so positive thoughts and words greatly impact our health, and our relationships! Be grateful for everything you have and have done, no matter how big or small. Our bodies respond positively when we are grateful. It’s great to keep a gratitude journal, I write 5 things a day I am grateful for and if it’s a tuff day it could be as simple as, “I am grateful for soft pillows to sleep on”. If writing isn’t for you, you can remind yourself throughout the day to be grateful for having a positive interaction with someone or if someone smiled at you which made you feel good, state the gratitude in your head, “I am grateful that person smiled at me”. These are simple examples because it can be as simple or as deep as you want. If you find at least one thing to be grateful for a day you will find it becomes easier to keep it going, and expanding, and you will begin to transform into a heart-based life. Your vibration will rise! Our thoughts and words matter greatly! Always consider expressing your gratitude out loud because this will then positively affect the person you are thanking which then encourages them to feel grateful and the positivity will keep spreading and giving, and it’s these things that help heal us, our community, and the world!


How Trees Talk to Each Other, TED Talk by Suzanne Simard 

In this TED Talk it explains, in part, why when I talk to trees they talk back. Sounds a bit strange perhaps, but science now tells us all plant life communicates and I have found that when I speak to trees what I get back from them is in the form of a feeling, or a knowing and sometimes in images. One profound experience I had was when I asked the trees for help and instantly I felt love pouring into my heart and I was shown an image of love “energy” pouring out of the trees not just to me but to each other and to everyone and everything, their message was clear, trees give love freely. It is pure, natural, and meant to be our natural state of being. Sitting in nature is very healing and grounding and why “Forest Bathing” has become a popular form of therapy. Give it a try!



The Networked Beauty of Forests, TED Talk by Suzanne Simard

In the TED Talk Nature sets a great example for us humans…that unity and helping each other is the way we grow, thrive, and live heart-based lives. Nature is truly wondrous and always gives me the feeling of pure awe and gratitude. Just spending time in nature will shift your energy into love, peace and dare I say joy.