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Global Dance Fusion with Nandini Austin  

Global Dance Fusion with Nandini Austin

Filmed by Sarah Carlson of Growing Films

Nandini Natasha Austin is a British Born Mauritian certified Ayurveda consultant, performer, culinary artist and the creator of Global Dance Fusion a fun empowerment practice for self-care.

Nandini believes that every woman regardless of health history or age, can maximize their life force “Ojas” using the powerful healing modalities of Dance and Ayurveda aka - the Science of Life and longevity. AKA Ayurvedance
Global Dance Fusion is an uplifting dance exercise that embodies delight, that connects uplift, and reminds us that even within today's fast-moving, often stressed-out world we still have an opportunity to share our essential goodness. In order to align with our essential life purpose, we need enough balance to actually hear the inner voice of our intuitions.

Her Global Dance Fusions classes are rooted in simple choreography derived from a mix of dance styles including Indian Kathak, Belly Dance, Bollywood and African inspired all combined with aerobic for a dance cardio workout. Using an exhilarating global soundtrack and weaving Ayurveda nuggets of wisdom, (the sister science to Yoga), Nandini empowers women to get out of their ‘minds’ and move into their bodies to feel more connected, grounded and awaken their five senses to spark joy.




Radical Self-Care With Anna Schlosser, RN.

For lasting, sustainable, real self-care, we need to tune into our true needs and desires. Living by other people’s rules and standards can have you feeling sick, depressed, and burnt out. You will leave this class with a new sense of awareness and inspiration to follow your desires and make your health and well-being a priority

In this class we will be:

  • Deconditioning from societal norms.
  • Honoring your intuition.
  • Engaging your own authority.
  • Overcoming patterns that stop you from pursuing and living the life you want.
  • Guided Crystal Dreaming Meditation & Energy Healing designed to help you overcome blocks or patterns preventing you from seeing the results you want.



Gentle Yoga for the Nervous System with Charolette von Hermert

Details coming soon.


Ami Iayaprada Hirschstein CAP, C-IAYT

Details coming soon.